When consumed correctly, omega-3 oils can be hugely beneficial. But quantity is important as well as quality and not all products boasting omega-3 oils are really all that good for you.
The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented growth in the public consumption of natural nutritional foods and supplements, and chief amongst these is undoubtedly the remarkable fish oil, commonly labelled as omega-3.

While the numerous health benefits of omega-3 marine oils have been well established, it is only recently that health providers have acknowledged the indisputable benefits for the heart, brain, bones and joints, skin and immune system.

As a consequence, food and supplement manufacturers have recognised the economic value of adding “omega-3” to their product labels, and the aggressive promotion of this product has exploded, to the extent that virtually every consumable product boasts an “omega-3” content, even though in most cases, with such minimal amounts, health benefits are unlikely!

Misinformed consumers may be led believe food, milk, yogurts and eggs supposedly “enriched” with omega-3, will deliver the desired health benefits, as suggested in the scientific literature.

Most omega-3 products on the market have insufficient levels of the key ingredients that actively delivers health benefits, and as such, they are inadequate for optimal health.
The key ingredients are EPA and DHA, the fatty oils that protect the vital organs upon which health and longevity depend.

While certain natural products, like hemp, walnuts, chia, pumpkin seed and flax, contain omega-3 oils, their conversion to the active EPA/DHA is so inefficient (about 3 per cent to 10 per cent) very large quantities have to be consumed daily for brain and body health requirements.

Only EPA and DHA, in sufficient amounts, and of good quality, can provide the desired benefits. This can only be achieved by eating oily fish, such as purified mackerel, herring, trout, salmon, and sardines. The alternative is to consume on a daily basis quality EPA/DHA supplements, with a proven track record for purification and potency.

Inferior products are plentiful on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies, and their EPA/DHA levels so low that many capsules have to be consumed daily to achieve the desired levels of between 500mg and 2,000mg of EPA (depending on individual requirements). Quality products with high concentrations of EPA and DHA include MorEPA Smart Fats and MorEPA Platinum.

For the best health benefits choose carefully, and select a product which can demonstrate a track record of purity, potency, and profitability. Whatever else, don’t waste money on inferior or low dose products of unproven quality!

Products that contain omega-6 and omega-9 are unlikely to confer additional benefits, considering that we consume more omega-6 in our diets than is required, and, by so doing, run the risk of ingesting excessive oils that promote inflammation, and worsen the very conditions we may be trying to alleviate!

An excess of omega-6 may promote inflammation in the heart, joints, brain and elsewhere, while omega-3, in the form of EPA, as in MorEPA Smart Fats or MorEPA Platinum will reduce such inflammation, and restore healthy organ function.

I have taken EPA/DHA as a health supplement for almost 20 years and can testify to its unique health giving, protective, and rejuvenating properties, and routinely prescribe this product for all my patients, young and old!
Dr. Neville Wilson,

Family Physician/ Sports Nutritionist, The Leinster Clinic, Maynooth.

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