About Me


Neville is a former South African Airforce pilot and holds the coveted SAAF “WINGS”. He has a President’s Commission in the South African Army and also the South African Airforce.

He gave up flying in response to a call to Christian mission and medical services, and qualified as an ordained Methodist Minister (in 1970) and then a Medical doctor,  and served his Internship in the No. 2 Military Hospital in South Africa, where he developed an early interest in general surgery and trauma.

He then served as a Mission Doctor for 3 years at the Bethesda Mission Hospital , Zululand, in a  remote part of southern Africa, where he gained invaluable experience in surgery, obstetrics and rural medicine.

He underwent further Vocational Training at the Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in East London where he spent 4 years rotating through medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, general surgery, eye surgery and orthopoedics. During this period he continued his post-graduate studies, followed by several years in Private Family Practice in East London, South Africa.

Neville is a graduate of  Rhodes University,  University of Cape Town Medical School, The College of Medicine, S.A.,  and the Pretoria Medical School,  and  is a holder of several Diplomas in a variety of fields.

He is a  Diplomate of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa, is Certified in Acupuncture, Advanced Trauma Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support and holds a Diploma as a Natural Health Consultant.

He has a Master of Science degree in  Nutrition and Exercise..

While working and studying in Canada he obtained a Diploma in Creative Writing.

One of his many interests is Preventative Cardiology and the role of Nutrition in clinical medicine. (Nutrigenomics).

After leaving South Africa Neville accepted appointments in AUSTRALIA,  where he  worked as a GP/Surgeon  in the Northern Territory, and later as a doctor in a Queensland rural hospital,  followed  by a 5 year period in CANADA ,working in private practices with hospital privileges .

While in Canada, he joined the Medical Unit of the University of Manitoba , and served as a Fly-in-Physician, flying to isolated communities in Northern Manitoba. There, living and working amongst the Cree and Ojibwa tribes he gained invaluable insights into their culture, disease patterns and healing arts.

Neville arrived in Ireland from Canada in 2004 to take up an appointment in Dublin, and then joined a Wexford practice in 2005-2006. In 2007 he relocated to Maynooth, and opened the Leinster Medical Clinic, with the intention of establishing an Integrative Medical Model which focused on Preventative Medical protocols, as well as providing primary and secondary medical care for private patients.
He became a naturalised Irish citizen in 2013 and has made Ireland his home.

Neville believes that the prevailing medical paradigm is severely limited by its singular focus on disease, rather than on opportunities, and the potential, for creating health and  promoting wellness.

“He believes that the future of medicine lies in the field of Nutrigenomics and Orthomolecular Medicine, which explores the science of nutritional regulation of genetic expression for health and disease.

The application of these principles is already visible in the field of nano-technology, where the transfer of molecular energy from microscopic nutrients to human cells can be effected via non-transdermal skin patches applied to pre-determined sites on the body.

These futuristic applications hold great promise for the goal of non-pharmalogical interventions in the pursuit of optimal health and wellness”

John Lark M.A., NMT,

Strength and Conditioning Coach, Nutritionist

Sphere Fitness Ireland

July 2009.
(Updated 2013)


43 Replies to “About Me”

  1. Hi Dr Neville,,as promised i am going to look in detail at your website in the coming days and will ask questions and get advice ..

  2. Hi Doc Neville
    Are you related to Dawn Muller of Port Elizabeth and the Buckleys of Steytlerville?
    If so please confirm by return mail, i am eager to research the family tree. My mother, Blissett Rowley, was in touch with at some stage?

    1. Dawn is my cousin. My Mother was a Buckley of Steytlerville, daughter of Rupert Francis Buckley, and granddaughter of Joseph Francis Buckley of Ireland.

      1. Dr Neville I got your name from a friend ,I suffer from overactive Thyroid ,my doc only diagnosed it 6 months ago but was borderline for a few years ,I was put on meds but cant take them I feel like choking n palpations on them ,at moment im am not on anything but am so depressed with the weight I have put on in 6 Months and its still gaining ,can u help please yours Ann Nolan

  3. Good Morning Dr. Neville,

    It was a pleasure to meet you this morning. Gabriela and I felt we could listen to you all day and we very much look forward to reading your blogs. Thank You so much for taking the time to talk with us.

    Best Wishes,

    Eli & Gabriela

  4. Hi Neville,
    I came across your blog while working on an education article. You probably will remember that you and I were at Rhodes together way
    back when.
    We emigrated to Australia in 1980 and I have certainly travelled all over Oz in these years. I am presently in Brisbane and my brother Edward A’Bear lives on Russell island not far from Bris. He played in the Rhodian band all those years ago.

    You are certainly making a difference in the world. Good luck with all of your research and a happy Chritmas and rich new year.

  5. Really enjoyed your talk today at the Over 50’s Exhibition. Am 57 and have just lost 17lbs going from 10.2 to 8.13! People ask me what I did and I did everything u said today! Easy , learn to say no, u said! So easy! Exercise, fish, salads, fruit, no bread spuds or carbohydrates! Simple! Loved your simple way of describing mitochondrial, telomere, atoms ect! Brilliant ! Now looking at turmeric in a different light! I still kept the wine and TG u didn’t mention that! Ha! Well done. Thanks.

  6. Thank you Mary ! You have done all the right things, and it’s all quite simple really, for as long as you dont follow the conventional dogma about avoiding the fats that are important for health and longevity.
    Tumeric has amazing protective properties and can be used in so many ways. I sprinkle it on almost anything and then lick the residue from my hands !
    Sorry, I had no time in the short 65 minutes to talk about RESVERATROL. I have an article on RESVERATROL on my BLOG that you may find helpful. Keep doing the right thing !

  7. Neville it was such a great pleasure to chat with you in Kinsale this weekend at the health shop. What a breath of fresh air to hear you views on health and wellbeing. Can you please clone yourself and set up a practice in Kinsale 🙂

    1. Thank you Jackie. Unfortunately I dont know anyone in Cork. I do hope that you are beginning to feel better Jackie !

  8. Dr. Wilson,
    I met you over a year ago with my newborn son (he had a tongue tie) & many thanks as we are still breastfeeding thanks to your help.
    I am looking for a GP to help me with my diagnosis of hypothyroidism (four years ago).
    I wonder if you would have the time to email me on your thoughts of treating thyroid disorders, as I am just hitting my head against a brick wall for even the simplest of blood tests to be done by my previous GP(‘s).
    I believe my current (synthetic) medication is playing havoc with me. I am awaiting this bank holiday weekend to be over so I can book an appointment with you, then I found this blog so I thought I’d see if I could determine your thoughts on hypothyroidism before doing so.
    I hope that you find this appropriate.

    Mise le Meas,

    1. Hi Marianne,
      Sorry for the delay. I have only today seen your letter and request.
      An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, is a common medical phenomenon and one which I believe is overlooked and therefore not diagnosed in a vast number of cases for several reasons.

      One reason is that laboratory testing is often inadequate by its failure to provide all the necessary blood results that helps to confirm the diagnosis.

      While a TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test is vital to assess whether the Thyroid gland is performing normally, the “normal” values by most of the labs in Ireland are in fact not reflective of a normal functioning gland, and offer a range of values that is far too wide (usually in the region of 0.4 to 4.0 or even 4.5 ) and thereby ignores the more accurate standard of 0.3 to 3.0 which represents a normal range for TSH values.

      This means that vast numbers of people who have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and who have TSH values lying outside the established range of between 3.0 and 4.0 will be regarded by their doctors as having a normal functioning thyroid, and will therefore not be given treatment, whereas in fact, they should be diagnosed as having an underactive thyroid and should be treated for such.
      For this reason large numbers of people in Ireland will walk around with an undiagnosed underactive thyroid and will not receive the required treatment, and continue to suffer the symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, dry skin and other manifestations of an underactive thyroid gland.

      Another major problem is that the thyroid gland secretes 2 hormones, designated by T4 and T3, but the standard conventional treatment for an undersecreting thyroid gland is to prescribe Eltroxin, which provides only T4 (Thyroxine), and omits to provide T3, thereby under treating a failing thyroid gland.

      Many doctors are not aware that Armour, which is derived from porcine thyroid glandular tissue, can provide both T3 and T4 to a non-functioning thyroid gland, and may therefore be a better option that the prescription of Eltroxin, which only provides T4.

      In many cases patients will only start to feel better after they have been treated with Armour instead of the synthetic Eltroxin, or with a combination of both Armour and Eltroxin, which I have had to do on occasion, in order to restore normal function to an unhealthy and underactive thyroid gland.

      So the TSH is an important test, and should be accompanied by a T4 as well as a T3 test, and also a Thyroid immunoglobulin test to establish the cause of the thyroid dysfunction, and the TSH should ideally be in the region of 2.0 to 2,5, and not higher.

      Once these blood tests are available the clinician is likely to be in a better position to properly assess thyroid function, bearing in mind that the Adrenal gland also has a vital role to play in well being, and that in some cases the cause of the symptoms may be Adrenal fatigue and not Thyroid dysfunction !

      Different tests may then be required to evaluate the status of the Adrenal gland.

      I hope this clears up some of your uncertainty Marianne. Be free to make an appointment to see me in my clinic for a further discussion on these topics.

      Dr Nev.

      1. Dr Neville,

        I am just over-whelmed by your vast knowledge about under active thyroid. I am 6yrs struggling with it & have come off meds (since march 2015) as i was like a depressed zombie whilst on them. Im fighting a losing battle trying to get the T3 test & alternetive medication. I am wondering… a) Do you know anybody in Sligo or nearby with the same views as you? & b) What is the required waiting time for an appointment in your clinic? I will look forward to your reply.

        Kindest Regards

        Loretta (lor1504@hotmail.com)

        1. I am sorry for not picking up your comments and questions Loretta, but you have already made contact with my clinic and have had blood samples taken for the various thyroid tests.

          We have analysed your TSH, ANTIBODIES, T4 and T3 levels, and have made available a prescription for Armour which, hopefully, your pharmacist will be able to access.

          What many clinicians don’t appreciate is that an underactive thyroid can occur in the presence of “normal blood tests” and the correct diagnosis must take account of a good history and body core temperature monitering.
          A body core temp under 36C or 35C is strongly suggestive of an under-active thyroid gland, and should be treated accordingly, despite seemingly “normal” TSH or T4 levels.
          I hope that you will begin to feel better with your Armour intake.

  9. Reading up about the hypothyroidism … I’m at witts end here. My Dr refuses to test my T3. I’ve been on Eltroxin 0,1mg since 12 August 2015 and despite this I keep on gaining weight (despite making positive lifestyle changes and being active). I feel constantly tired (at 12:00 in the day I feel that I should catch up on some sleep!). Apparently my TSH and T4 blood tests came back “normal” when tested a week ago.

    I really don’t know what to do anymore, as I can’t keep on gaining weight. My Dr point blank refuses to test and/or prescribe anything for T3.

    Furthermore I have severe swelling in my ankles.

    1. Mariette, you need to measure your body core temperature every morning before arising with a mercury thermometer under your armpit (axilla) and do this for about 5 or 6 mornings and send the results to my clinic.

      Many underactive thyroid conditions will show “normal” blood results.

      You may benefit from a low dose of dessicated thyroid hormone increasing slowly over a few weeks.

  10. Hi Dr Wilson,
    I too am blown away by your vast knowledge on hypothyroidism! I wondering if you would be able to help me?

    I have been diagnosed hypothyroid for the last 6 years, my GP suspects Hashimotos-although that has never been confirmed. My most recent bloods showed up that I am now infact hyperthyroid.

    My dose of eltroxin has gone down from 200mg to 175mg. This has become a very common swinging from underachiever to overactive the last 6 years but more so the last 3 in particular. I have been on every dose of eltroxin from 50mg- 300mg.

    The worse symptoms I have are chronic fatigue and brain fog. GP said it’s possible I have chronic fatigue syndrome or have something hormonal going on. I also have depression and I’m on Effexor 150mg. I have also gained about 7 stone over 6 years.

    My GP has referred me to a private endocrinologist for testing but told me not to expect any help…

    Please do you think you could help me?

    Kind regards


    1. Estelle,
      I don’t make a diagnosis online or offer treatment, other than general principles, as each person is unique and requires an individual assessment.
      I am sorry that you were told not to expect anything in terms of help ! There is always hope and usually a good answer for every predicament.
      If you wish you may make an appointment for a review with my Receptionist at 01-5052135 and be sure to bring all your previous blood results with you.
      Best wishes !

  11. Estelle, I have posted an article I wrote earlier this year on my BLOG, titled “Hypothyroidism, Diagnosis and Treatment” which may answer some of your questions. Best wishes !

  12. Hi Dr Wilson
    I just wanted to write to tell you and your readers how glad I am that I started to come see you. I was on eltroxin since I was 17 gradually moving from 50mg to 200mg per day after the birth of my two boys . By this time at 34 years I was feeling terrible , exhausted , bogged down and starting down the depression route. I had tried 4 GPs before you who told me my TSH levels were fine and asked me was I depressed etc. I said I wasn’t but that much longer I would be! That night after leaving the GP office in a flood of tears I started googling thyroid disease and a Ireland support group came up. I logged on and told my story and was advised to go see you . A couple of weeks later I was sitting in your office and you are speaking to me like I wasn’t crazy and told me you would check all thyroid aspects , told me to get offf gluten and I knew I would get better. As it turns out my t4 was not converting into t3 snd no matter how much eltroxin I took it wouldn’t give me the energy I needed . You put me on NDT and I feel like a new person, normal levels of tiredness from 2 small kids and a busy job but nothing I cannot handle with a good night sleep! I gave up gluten completely and all my IBS symptoms disappeared overnight!
    So here I am 18 month on from that first visit to you living in a new country with an amazing new job and life and I have you to thank for that ! For other people reading this blog suffering on eltroxin or some other type of synthetic T4 drug start looking into new things and go and visit Dr Wilson! Thanks !

    1. Hi Sharon, and here’s wishing you much happiness and joy in your new surroundings !
      I am so happy to hear that your health has improved, and I do want to encourage you to become knowledgeable and proactive in the management of your health, as well as that of your family.
      Please keep me informed of any development or changes in your circumstances.
      I no longer use Armour here in Ireland as the new batches are not “clean” and have become costly, so prefer to use Nature throid, which is gluten free, and has the benefit of containing traces of T1 and T2.
      Best wishes to you and your family,

  13. Hello Dr. Neville,
    I am really interested in all the nformation you have regarding thyroid malfunctions etc.

    I believe I have been struggling with an undiagnosed thyroid issue for quite some time. Firstly, thyroid disease runs in my family particularly on my mothers side with her having hyperthyroid, a sibling with hypo thyroid and another with parathyroid.

    Personally, my troubles seemed to come to light about 3 years ago but became worse when I came off birth control (not sure if any correlation). Anyway, last year I seemed to experience high levels of anxiety and numerous symptoms of hyperthyroid heart palpitations, chest pains, tingling in extremities, extreme sensitivity to the cold (which I have always had) and fatigue ( which I have also had all my life). I’ve had numerous other symptoms but can’t remember (brain fog) at the moment.
    Thing is that I believe I may have hashimotos or Graves even but my TSH and t4 levels always come back within normal range. I’ve been back and forth to my own gp over the last year and a half complaining of symptoms and every test comes back normal. Then last October I developed difficulties breathing and swallowing and I felt a lump in my throats but I was continuously told I had an upper respiratory tract infection by all doctors. I wasn’t happy with this diagnosis but I had exhausted all avenues and proceeded to try and believe ‘it was all in my head’ like I was being told. I managed to get referred to an ent by my wonderful gp who always listens to me and likes to air on side of caution. Ent doctor was going to dismiss me to open but decided to do an ultrasound a month later as I had swollen noses. Ultrasound showed congenital cyst above the thyroid. Again I was told no big deal and referred for MRI and told will take 3-6 months.
    I’ve had the MRI with contrast this week just gone and I’m waiting to hear back about it. All along I have lost 2 and a half stone in weight and seem to bounce between hyper and hypo symptoms. I also persuaded my gp to run the thyroid antibody test last week but he doesn’t think the lab will complete the request due to my thyroid levels being normal range.
    Do you think my cyst could be the cause of all this? I certainly feel like I fit the description of hyperthyroid especially. I was extremely happy in life when this happened but doctors said I was depressed. I don’t feel depressed just like they are missing something. I’m desperate to get myself back. I look so thin compared to one year ago. Could coming off birth control cause my thyroid to go off balance?
    I’d love to make an appointment and I hope to make contact once I get my results next week as I certainly feel you might be able to shed light on this issue.
    Thank you.

  14. Dear Deirdre,
    I am sorry to hear how unwell you have been and would be happy to discuss your medical history with you.
    I do not consult online and am not able to offer specific therapeutic options without conducting a full history and medical examination, and you are very welcome to make an appointment to see me at my clinic at The Leinster Clinic in Maynooth for that purpose, by telephoning my staff (01-5052135).
    Many physicians do make the unfortunate mistake of treating lab reports instead of the person !
    I believe that the Person behind the numbers is important !
    Your experience of being cold all the time is highly suggestive of having an underactive thyroid gland, and you can test your body temperature every morning on waking up with an under arm (axillary) thermometer. An underactive thyroid may cause a body temperature to be under 36C or 35C.
    I am happy to see you in my Surgery at your convenience.
    Dr Nev.

  15. Dr Wilson, I live in Co.Tyrone and I’m just about at the end of my tether with the reluctance of any medical professional to investigate what is going on with me. I’ve had thyroid crisis, Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, told I was euthyroid and after seeing a private consultant, I was put on liothyronine and 175mg of thyroxine. I have never felt so unwell in my life. Would you consider seeing me as a patient? I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Mary.

    1. Good day Mary.
      You are welcome to make an appointment with our Clinic where I will do what I can to assist you.
      Unfortunately, I do not provide medical advice on my website, other than writing articles which are designed to stimulate thought and discussion.

      I look forward to hearing from you.
      Dr Nev.

  16. Hi Dr Nev,

    Apologies before hand for the long message

    I am based in belfast northern ireland and have recently come across your site while on my search for someone who deals with thyroid and adrenals.

    From march of this year i seemed to have hit a brick wall after taking part in a couch to 5 k programme. I had been doing well with the running and then after a few weeks i seemed to run out of all energy.legs like led, no breath and nk energy. Long story short i have had numerous thyroid tests which all came back clear. I have had t3, t4, tsh, thyroid peroxidase antibodies which is apparently normal. Vit b,d, iron, ferritin and female hormones and everything seems fine apparently! endo i saw also noticed goiter but when i got the ultrasound it was nodules, one on the left lobe measuring 3cm x 2cm which endo called a dominant echogenic nodule and small nodules on my right lobe, i then had a fine needle biopsy and that came back non malignant so that’s me now tossed to the side yet i still have symptoms of a low thyroid. Bear in mind most of my family have underactive or hashimoto’s.

    I generally feel tired and a feeling of being fed up, no motivation and just generally not well. I have gained lots of weight, hair and outer eyebrows have thinned out and like a breathless feeling, headaches, tight muscles especially traps and neck, jaw. No sexual desire. Normal periods and i dont feel cold like most hypothyroid patients.

    What i have noticed that makes me worse is exercise and i have noticed this pattern on and off for a few years, it usually starts in the new year when i embark on a new exercise plan. I try and motivate myself to do some exercise and it exacerbates all my symptoms. Usually a few hours after exercise i start to feel very very tired and get a headache, that night you will be guaranteed i have insomnia, the next day i wake up feeling like ive been hit by a truck, i will be down in the dumps, feel exhausted, no motivation have headaches, cant think of sentences etc. Cant deal with stress as it makes me worse, cant deal with noise, bright lights and also overcast skies cause a major problem and i always need to wear sunglasses and the sound of the traffic when i have my car window down drives me insane. Basically i do not feel normal.

    My endo and doctor say my thyroid is ok on the blood tests yet i clearly dont feel well and surely the nodules must mean something when taking the symptoms into account.

    April test
    My tsh 0.28 with a range of 0.27-4.2
    Serum free t4 18.1 range is 12-22 in april

    June test
    Free thyroxine 16.6
    Tsh 0.27
    Free t3 5.2
    Anti thyroid peroxidase antibodies was negative
    Female hormone cycle in normal range amd i am not menopausal
    I dont have june ranges but likely the bloods were at the same lab as april.

    I also ordered a 24 hour saliva test to check for adrenal fatigue and it showed lower than the range in morning normalish afternoon and high at night time. I did this test on a sunday when at rest, no exercise and no work stress

    Could my adrenals be causing these symptoms rather than the thyroid? Do the adrenals cause thyroid nodules ?

    I was told years ago by an alternative therapist i had some adrenal fatigue based on symptoms no tests were carried out and they gave me adrenal by pure encapsulations although they seemed to stimulate me so i took much less than they told me and they also kept me awake at night.

    I am at my wits end and really dont know where to turn.do i gave up 2nd questioning my gp and endo and accept my thyroid is perfectly normal, do i continue to pay for the same tests by different people in the hope that one day my bloods wont be normal or do i look more at my adrenals ? Or do i give into my gp and take his mood tablets he seems very keen to shove down my throat. I keep telling him my mood is fine and its the way i feel is frustrating me.

    If you think you can help please let me know and i can come to kildare.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Greetings Jennifer.
      I am so sorry to hear of your struggle, and am so familiar with your story, which reflects the experience of so many people !

      I do not consult on line, and do not offer medical advice without a personal interview and medical examination, so am not in a position to comment further, unfortunately !

      I suggest you have the following tests done again, ( TSH, FT3, FT4, RT3 if possible, TPO, Vit D3, Magnesium, serum iron) and you are welcome to visit my clinic armed with those results, so that we can review your case.

      I am happy to assist you where I can !
      Dr Nev.

      1. Many thanks Dr Nev for responding. I will indeed order my own tests and get in touch with your clinic.
        Many thanks

      2. Hi Doctor just researching a doctor in Ireland that deals with adrenal fatigue as apparently most GPS don’t recognise this condition.
        You mentioned on a previous email that the following tests need done for this condition….TSH, Ft3, FT, RT3 etc. Can these tests be done in your office if I make an appointment or will my GP do them and I can let air the results to you.

  17. Hello doctor,
    Is it possible to take blood test in your clinic ? I would like to check up my thyroid levels and aome vitamins that you think I should…so I would like to do it there if it is possible. I have Hashimoto and Hypo and recently discovered few knotts on thyroid…is there an opportunity do do US of the tyroid in your clinic too?

  18. Hi Dr Wilson. I have been very tired for about 6 months. I have no motivation. My mood is low. I can’t sleep. I have anxiety and I am drinking too much just to get through the day. My sex drive is atrocious and I am having difficulty concentrating. My mother says this is how she felt when she had a low thyroid. My doctor says my thyroid function ( called T S H) is normal. Do you think you could steer my towards better treatment? I seem to be getting nowhere.

    1. I apologise for the delay in responding Chris !
      I don’t check my BLOG too often due to a heavy clinic programme, but would be happy to assist you in any way.
      I do not consult online (it’s not professional to do so, and impersonal !) but I welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and listen to your story.
      There may be several reasons for the way you feel and you are very welcome to make an appointment at Leinster clinic in Maynooth (Tel 01-5052135) so that we can together explore the possible causes for your symptoms as well as possible solutions.
      Dr. Nev

  19. Hi Dr.Wilson.
    My TSH for years is around 0.01 -0.06. T3 and T4 normal. My doctor presctripted eltroxin few month ago,but I started to get more heart palputations from that,so I stoped to take them.
    I feel very weak ,tired and depressed. And my heart ritm is very quick or slow with missing heartbeats
    I tryed to get appointment with you but it’s looks like unpossible
    Regards Sandra

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  21. Hi Dr Neville,

    I recently took my 13 year old son for blood tests as he is quite small for his age and I was getting concerned he wasn’t growing or developing. The tests have come back with abnormalities with his thyroid levels and also he may be celiac. We are going in next week to find out more from the GP and get a referral but I was wondering if you take on children? If not can you recommend a Dr for us?


  22. Hi Dr Nevill, I have a 21 year old son on Eltroxin for the past 9 years dosage increasing yearly currently on 175 mg per day, suffering with depression, anxiety, poor concentration, he’s currently studying at 3 Rd level but finding it very difficult. I’m hearing a lot about Naturethroid, we have made numerous request for a more natural medication, but our GP is not interested in pursuing our interest and is adamant about prescribing Eltroxin..

  23. Hi Dr Neville,

    I had blood tests done and I have an issue with thairoid its hurting lately and I feel like somethings in my throat. I been rejected by hospital for a scan and I am really worried and scared I can’t find anyone that can treat me. I have many simptoms that affecting my daily life and I would really appreciate it if you could help me please.


    1. Dear Laura,
      You may make an appointment at the Clinic(Phone :01-6757718) to discuss your problem. Unfortunately I am not in a position to offer medical advice online. I am also unable to respond, because of time constraints, to all email queries. My apologies, Dr. Nev.

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