The Harbour Medical & Functional Medicine Clinic
The Harbour
County Kildare
W23 KR22
TEL: +(01) 675 7718
FAX: +(01) 675 7721
Consultations by Appointment Only (Telephone or Email)
I have two questions, if you please.
1-Is sulfur the cure-all for cellular regeneration and reversing disease?
2-I had a reaction to a fluoride drug. Where do you begin to eliminate/protect yourself from this?
Bonnie, my apologies for not replying. I don’t usually check this page so did not see your question until recently !
You have 2 questions, each having a short and a long answer !
Is sulfur a cure all for reversing disease ?
I would be surprised if there were a single “cure all” for reversing disease, since dis-ease is a multifactorial condition and any preventative or curative approach needs to be conducted at the level of individual need.
1. Having said that, there is no doubt that sulphur is a vitally important component for maintaining health, since it occurs in the human cells as part of essential amino acids, methionine and cysteine, which are the building blocks for proteins. It is required for the disulphide bonds that bind 2 molecules of cysteine in the formation of the important amino-acid, glutathione.
These intracellular disulphide bonds are essential to life, and also for the overall structure of insulin, which helps to control glucose levels.These bonds are also essential for the receptor binding activity of insulin.
2. Concerning FLUORIDE. It is a haptogen , similar to chlorine, bromine and iodine, and when ingested, may displace iodine, giving rise to depleted levels in the body, with the subsequent development of an underactive thyroid, which may have serious health repurcussions. (See my article on “FLUORIDE”.)
I would be interested to hear which drug you took and what the reaction was.
Fluoride occurs in many processed foods, beverages and soy products, and an accumulated consumption over time, may conceivably produce a toxic outcome, following the ingestion of added fluoride as a therapeutic agent.
Hi Dr. Wilson,
Just wondering if you would have a good jpeg file image of you recommended “food Pyramid”? I am putting together a “healthy eating” policy for a school and want to be as close to the healthy mark as I can ……I know the traditional food pyramid is way out….
Hope you are well!!
Hi Clodagh,
I’m sure we must have discussed the Food Pyramid and its disastrous recommendations !
There are many pictures of the Pyramid available on Google Images, or you can just photograph the picture on the school walls !
I am appalled to see that the Food Pyramid is still being promoted in schools and in the current school text books ! Those pages should have been torn out and burned long ago !
The Food Pyramid is an unhealthy guide to diet and promotes an excess of refined carbohydrates which, if followed, is likely to lead to weight gain, and possible diabetes and other related chronic disorders.
What quantity of EPA do you recommend per day ? Many thanks. Nora
Sorry Nora,
I must have missed that question.
EPA and DHA are now being produced by so many manufacturers that one has to be careful about selection as a good quality Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) may not be easy to find, unless you are discerning and knowledgeable.
The dosage you use may be decided by your specific requirements and your dietary habits, and if you are consuming a quality oily fish twice weekly you probably wont require omega 3 as a supplement, unless you need a higher dose of an anti-inflammatory supplement, if for example you have an arthritic condition, in which case you may need up to 4000 mg daily.
A good product that I personally use, and prescribe, is MOREPA PLATINUM (1100 MG per capsule) once daily. For joint pains you may try 2 or even up to 4 capsules.
MorEpa 100 mg provides 764 mg EPA and 236 mg DHA, and also provides you with some Vitamin D3 (300 units or 7.5 micro-grammes) but you would need to add more Vit D3 to give you a good level of intake, usually about 3000-5000 units, again depending on your requirements.
I hope that helps Nora !
Neville my mother is just back from Spain having had a wonderful time on Barbara’s painting trip. She got wonderful advice from you and you wrote out some recommendations for her but she lost it in transit. She is quite bad with her sinuses at the and we would be most grateful if in some way we could retrieve your advice. Thanking you in advance. Take care. Lorraine 0877682099
Good evening Dr. Wilson,
If you remember, I brought my daughter Elena to you ~ 4 weeks ago because of a chest pain. You talked of a stomach problem and gave her Zantac caps. When she had a new episode, she started taking the pills as you prescribed and she did it for 1 week. No great improvements were seen. I called your office but you were away. After a couple of days she was visited by Dr FitzGibbon because of a kind of allergic attack she had had just before summer ( we talked of it and you recommended Dr FitzGibbon). She did the allergic tests and was found allergic to dust mite (4), pollen (4) and cat hair (2).
When Dr FitzGibbon heard of that attack and of the recent chest pain, he definitely thought there was a correlation and gave her Maalox syrup and 14 Zotrole 15mg gast res caps. During the treatment she was fine but since she completed it last Friday she has already had a couple of episodes of chest pain.
What are next steps? Do I need to book a visit so we can talk of it? You were talking of a Urea breath test. Please let us know.
Thanks in advance for your help
Thank you Patrizia.
I don’t prescribe medication online, and a follow up review would be appropriate.
Best wishes.
Dear Dr Wilson,
We had our first visit with you today with my my son (one of my twin boys) and i just wanted to thank you for your time, kindness and approach. Thanfully we dont often go to the GP (almost never), but for the first time ever i feel like i can breathe when i think about a visit if needed. You articles are fantastic i read through many today, i wish i have known about them earlier. Since my first son was born 3 ago i have done and extensive amount of research on nutrition and established new ways of sourcing food, learned ancient food preparing and cooking methods to give my children the best possible start. I belive the way we and what we eat is effecting our heath greatly, thefore it is number one priority for me. On my second pregancy with my twins, i payed huge attention to prenatal nutrition along with establishing exclusive breastfeeding afterwords and very very careful weaning onto solids. What -in return- i got from the medical community in the last few years was eye rolling, disbelief and zero encorangemnt. I had to fight my way through in the maternity ward also about my pregancy diet and dispite having excellent blood result all through my pregancy i have been told off constatly by my food choices and was refered back to food pyramid by the hospitals dietetian. When my babies were born i had to fight off formula top ups and again i faced with disbelief that i can breastfeed my twins exclusively. I prove them all wrong and continue to do so. Many of your arcticles hits home with me, like the salt intake, the low fat fads, the flouride in our water, the animal protein, the one on suncsreems and so on.. Anyways i just wanted to say thank you again and i feel very very fortunate to have you on our doorstep. Regards, Dora
Thank you Dora, and my apology for finding your comments so long after they had been written and my delay in response.
I am pleased to hear that you have overcome the initial obstacles to your ultimate and rightful sense of well being, and that you now have the assurance that health supporting options are available other than those offered and promoted within the conventional medical industry !
Keep researching healthy options for a life of balance and wellness and share your knowledge with those around you.
Dr Nev.
Hello Dr. Neville Wilson.
I am writing to you from Israel. I should of thank you in person, but I was really ill Bronchitis and busy with the departure. I am writing to express my gratitude for the treatment I received at your hands last year. I am writing to thank you for your excellent work. I sincerely thank you for making me feel at home, your treatment coupled with the caring attitude has helped me attain fast recovery. You have always been kind and offered me the moral support when I was down with health problems. It is not just the treatment, but the care and empathy shown by doctors like you which makes the world a better place to live in. I believe that you are one of the best doctors in the world. God bless you! Sincerely, Roman Zaretsky
Thank you.
Roman Zaretsky.
Thank you Roman for contacting me from Israel.
I trust that you are well and strong once again. It was my pleasure to work with you in your healing process and my joy to note your full recovery.
Take good care of yourself and be sure to support your health with good nutrition and a positive attitude !
Dr Nev.
Hi Dr Wilson,
Do you know of any possible treatments for Post-Finasteride Syndrome ?
My life has been destroyed by Finasteride.
Hi John,
I don’t as a rule offer personal medical advice on my Blog, since that requires a comprehensive history and medical examination, accompanied by specialised tests, which are best provided by your own medical doctor.
I can, however, recommend that you have your thyroid functions evaluated, with blood tests for TSH, T3, T4 and TPO., as well as tests for gluten sensitivity, and the suggestion that a gluten free diet, accompanied by a good probiotic (BIO KULT for eg) be followed.
The gut and thyroid glands are important for maintaining optimal immunity and possible recovery from PFS.
Not too much is known about PFS, except that the adverse reactions to Finestaride may be experienced by some men, and not others.
Dietary magnesium with calcium citrate. L Glutamine, and turmeric are useful to reduce the inflammation which may be the cause of some symptoms, as is a regular intake of bone broth.
Perhaps have a discussion with a good Nutritionist in this regard.
Dear Dr Wilson,
It is refreshing to read your comments re the food pyramid and I agree with them wholeheartedly. In many ways this policy is a major hurdle towards wellness in this country. However there are many thinking along a different path and one day these will converge to mainstream thinking. You may be familiar with the work of the Weston A Price Foundation which also echoes your traditional eating recommendations. We recently held a conference in Limerick with Nina Teicholz , author of The Big Fat Surprise as a guest speaker among others. She is interested in working with us to lobby the Government on this idea of changing the guidelines. Who knows where it will lead…keep up the good work!
Dear Dr. Wilson
I found your website on a link from the webpage. I am wondering if you could help with a vitamin/nutrient regime for my daughter, whom we firmly believe has been damaged by the HPV vaccine (which she received in 2010/2011) and various medications subsequently prescribed. Many of the parents in the Group are using various natural therapies with great success so at this stage, we have to try something alternative as the pharmaceutical route has proved ineffective and possibly more damaging.
I would hope to arrange an appointment to discuss the issue with a view to improving our daughter’s health as we can no longer sit back watching her suffer.
Kind regards
Hi Dr Wilson,
I was prescribed Lipitor 80mg by a cardiologist some 15 Years ago. Every so often I go off it to give my body a break. About 4 years ago the dose was reduced to 40mg . I’m not happy taking it, but my dr. Says with my risk factors ( High BP, high cholesterol (6.9) when not on medication and slight glucose intolerance (6) requires my taking it. I have heard that there is a test to determine whether the cholesterol is actually adding plaque to my blood vessels. If not then I need not take statins. Is this true?
What do you advise?
Hi Leticia.
Unfortunately I do not offer medical advice without obtaining and knowing the details of the patient following a medical history and medical examination, so I am not able to offer a medical directive, other than to mention that the 3 reasons you have given for being on a statin (high BP, HIGH CHOLESTEROL, & SLIGHT GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE) are not clinically sound medical indications for taking statin treatment. A high BP, uncontrolled, will cause a rise in blood total cholesterol, so the aim would be to lower the BP and not the blood cholesterol ! Furthermore, statins have been shown to increase blood sugar in several clinical trials and it is questionable to take a statin in the presence of an already raised serum glucose !
You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss these issues with me.
Dr Nev.
Hi Dr Wilson
Do you do tests for cortisol levels ? I have all symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Hey Doctor.
Garvin here. I need help, guidance and hope
I’m 32 years of age and work in the fitness industry as a nutritional consultant and a performance coach. I have a huge interested in health and wellness. I never once considered that I would be in my current position of poor health & wellness!! My appetite to learn and upskill was to provide a high level of knowledge and professionalism for my clients – NOT ME.
Anyways, since the end of 2015 I have experienced symptoms as follows: chronic mental, physical, emotionally fatigue, swollen eyes and under my feet!, skin rashes (non itchy), weight gain, extremely serve states of brain fog and memory loss ( its really scaring me now) itchy rectum, feeling cold, depression, wired & tired, light headed – basically feeling like CRAP all the time. I couldn’t accept that I was sick and kept pushing ; 2016 looked like this: health regressed, tens days on the side lines with the forth mentioned conditions. After I start to feel a little better i’d jump right back into my previous lifestyle, which is fairly full on. I coach and compete CrossFit – so I am one of these guys who loves training and pushing ( which I know hasn’t help matters), only to fall again and experience yet another relapse of poor health. I was hospitalized twice with suspected glandular fever but, the test came back negative. I was sent on my way to figure things out for myself. So, here I am after 3 weeks studying, researching everything related to hypothyroidism & hashimotos. Thank God I may have something to hang my hat on!!
I need help & an appointment
Dear Dr Wilson,
Thank you for your kindness on my last visit. I forgot to ask you is it okay to follow a low carb diet without it impacting my hypothyroidism?
Kind regards
Dr Wilson,
Im a 43 woman who has seen my general health decline steadily over the last yr. I have been treated for the last 17 yrs with eltroxin for Hashis Hypothyroidism and have been relatively functionable but i feel as if its not working for me anymore. My thyroid results have been skewed for the past yr with high TSH 13 High FT4 and Low FT3. Ive developed a myriad of hypo symptoms and feel like my endo isnt taking me seriously enough as she doesnt feel my severity or range of symptoms could be just thyroid related eventhough ive seen them all listed on Thyroid Websites. I just wanted to enquire as to whether you prescribe any alternatives to synthetics??
Thanks in advance,
Hi Dr Wilson
I don’t know if you contact possible patients bit giving it a try. I am reading up on stiff about NDT and I may be interested but a bit apprehensive. I am underactive for roughly 20 years but have been diagnosed I “think” as hashimotos so for that reason NDT may not suit as I have been reading up on it for days now! On eltroxin bit haven’t had bloods done for over 6 months I think. I rarely go to doctor. I can either come and see you for full blood test or ask my own doc about MSD and hope she will perscribe it. Cant afford to go to both. I would be very grateful if you could advise. I only get basic blood test done with nurse.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Doctor Wilson,
I was wondering if you have ever investigated a link between encephalitis and the flu vaccine in the elderly? I believe mercury is in the vaccine and could be a possible cause of encephalitis – and i would love to hear your thoughts on it.
thank you.
Dear Louise,
It is likely that you are suffering from an underactive thyroid, given your unpleasant symptoms and high levels of TSH, despite being on Eltroxin.
You may need to discuss with your doctor the need to increase your Eltroxin intake, but always be careful to do so only under close medical supervision.
Your TSH of 13 is high, and suggestive of untreated hypothyroidism, and a low T3 suggests that your T4 may not be converting to T3.
Make sure that your Vitamin D3 intake is sufficient as D3 is required for the conversion of T4 to T3.
I would be surprised if your elevated TSH of 13 is being ignored, as it is out of the range of a normal healthy TSH.
You are welcome to visit our Clinic for an assessment of your symptoms and blood results.
With kind regards,
Dr Nev.
Thank you Dr Wilson. My TSH has now come down on 100mcgs of Eltroxin. My most recent results were TSH 1.75, FT4 20 and FT3 1.2 (ref 1.3-3.1). Ive also just been dx with low iron with ferritin 14.8. I teally feel im not converting FT4 to FT3 but my endo says the FT3 is a wishy washy test ?? And not important as does my gp. Im so hypothyroid its unreal. Ive been out of work for nearly 2 yrs because of this and im sick of trying to fight my corner nevermind spending €1000s to be told to stop focusing on labs. Im only focusing on labs because im so unwell. Do you think you could help me?
Dear Dr Wilson,
I was diagnosed with an over active thyroid (Graves disease) in May 2016, I was advised to use Carbimazole I went on to develop a rash on my face neck and hands etc, I was attending the Endocrinology clinic and expressed my concerns over my reaction, I was informed that I fall into the 1-2% of people who develop a reaction like this as a result I was advised to get the radio iodine therapy after weighing this over for some time I felt like I was backed into a corner as no other solution was on offer, so in Jan’17 I went ahead and got this procedure done, within a few hours of having this I took a huge reaction my face went bright red and swelled up and my eyes were nearly closed, I was advised to go to A+E, I called the endocrology unit and the place that carried out the radio-iodine treatment they both said they never heard of this reaction and said it was not related, while I was walking around looking like a sunburn case with swollen face eyes and tearing the face off myself, I was then requested to wait without any medication until my levels had dropped as low as they could (as they would never get a true reading again) at this point you can imagine I was feeling pretty low and nearly fainted, I was dragging myself around the place, I waited as long as I could after blood tests they then see that I was in a bad way and advised that I should now start my Eltroxin immediately, I started on 50mg, that was Apr’17 and moved up over time to what I am currently on which is 150mg, my face and neck are now starting to break out in a rash, I can’t sleep, my cycle has changed, I used to have lovely long nails they are all gone (eaten off by myself something I have not done since I was a small child), I feel sensitive to heat, I am restless and getting headaches, is this my life now forever as I now have no thyroid as it was killed off and I need medication to keep my body functioning but this is not settling what can I do please? I feel like I am a game for testing on.
I was in conversation with a friend who advised me about Amour and you, so here I am looking for your advice please?
Many thanks
Hi Dr Wilson
I was diagnosed Hypo thyroid 6 months ago. My doctor prescribed Eltroxine and has now said my level are fine going by lab results. I am still symptomatic and as you are an expert in this area you know that lab results that are carried out by 99% of GPs don’t test for all thyroid levels. I asked my GP today about NDT and he had never heard of it. Could I get an appointment with you and what is the cost?
Kind regards
Dear Louse,
I apologise for not replying to your last question. I am extremely busy most of the time and do not check my Blog on a regular basis.
I am sorry to hear that you have not been well for so long. You are on Eltroxin which helps some people and not others, since it only provides you with T4 and not T3, and your T3 levels are really low, suggesting that you might do well with either additional T3 (triiodothyronine) or a combination T4/T3 as in natural dessicated thyroid hormone.
I have to disagree with both your Endocrinologist and your GP that T3 is not a “wishy-washy” test, but in fact records your free level of T3 which is the biological viable thyroid hormone that converts to T2 and T1 in the tissue cells, where they support cellular metabolism.
Thyroxine (Eltroxin) is T4 only, and acts as a storage hormone, which is not biologically active, and needs to be converted to the active T3 form.
In your case you may possibly not be converting your Eltroxin to T3, and you should be repeating your Free T3 levels, to check on current levels,and also Vitamin D3 and anti-TPO antibodies to see whether you have an autoimmune thyroid disorder.
No, T3 is not a “wishy-washy” test as you have been told !
Just wondering if you have successfully treated allergies.
I have them all year around – dust seems to trigger them –
Itchy eyes, rhinitis, itchy ears are symptoms – all come on suddenly then pass
I have a constant blocked and mucous sinus.
I also suffer fatigue and brain fog from the symptoms.
I live in Leitrim and would obviously happily travel to your clinic if you
felt you could help me.
Many Thanks
Hi Dr Wilson, I am a 55 year old women who is currently on 125 mg Levothyroxine and have been for quite a number of years. I feel my symptoms are getting worse instead of better. Have seen an endocrinologist privately regarding my thyroid but he could not help me. Have been back and forward to my GP but they cannot seem to help as they say my bloods are in the normal range? I have now been diagnosed with sleep apnoea, fatty liver, gastric problems which include helibacterdepression, I am at my wits end. Have bee
I have also been diagnosed with acid reflux, dueodenal ulcers and other gastric problems. I eat very healthy, walk every day and go to the gym despite chronic pain in my joints, but I cannot even loose one pound. I feel all these symptoms are all related to my thyroid problems and only getting worse. I am tired all the time but can’t sleep at night. This is ruining my life. My doctor has put me on antidepressants, statins etc. Please can you help me? I have been doing a lot of research and read about NDT natural thyroid as an alternative to Levothyroxine? I was given your details from the Thyroid Support Ireland website. You are my last hope. I would be willing to travel down to your clinic if you are able to help me?
Many thanks
Rhonda Stevenson
Hi Dr Wilson, have been trying to contact your clinic by telephone but to no avail. The number is from your website but I cannot seem to get through on the telephone number given.
I am trying to find out the waiting time to arrange a consultation with you and also the cost?
I have problems with my thyroid and my symptoms seem to be getting worse. I have done some research and was given your name.
Please could you help me? I am 55 years old. My GP has me on 125mg of Levothyroxine daily. My T4 levels are always in the normal range, but yet my symptoms are getting worse. I excerise every day, walk my dog everyday and also eat very healthy. Instead of loosing weight I am gaining weight. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea, tired all the time, have gastric problems. Also severe joint pain. My GP says he cannot help me anymore.
I have been researching NDT and wonder could it help me. Please I am at my wits end.
I am sure you are a busy man, but would appreciate it if you could give me the right contact details in order to arrange a consultation.
Many thanks
Rhonda Stevenson
I discovered i was under thyroid 5 years ago ive been on eltroxin have not been feeling 70 percent of hairloss ive changed my meds last month to different levo.. I just got bk my bloods result my t4 21 my t3 is slightly low which they wont treat is my t4 too high last time i had it done it was at 2.
hope u reply im all out of sources with my hairloss
Hello Dr. Neville,
I have high reverse T3 and TPO anti-bodies. The rest of my thyroid results fell within range. I have extreme fatigue and muscular weakness/pain. My GP has adopted a wait and see approach but I strongly feel I need treatment now. Do you have any suggestions? Hypothyroidism is in my family.
Hi there,
I have been suffering from Hypothyroidism symptoms for many years, but as my blood test results always came back ‘normal’, nothing was done. Eventually my GP prescribed Eltroxin 25mg as my symptoms were overwhelming: hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, weight gain, depression, etc. I’ve been on it for 4 years and it has never made any difference to my symptoms. In fact they are more acute now than ever. The GP does not want to increase the Eltroxin dosage as the blood tests are still “normal”. I’m so done.
Recently I’ve read about NDT and that I may react better on it than Eltroxin. Is that a possibility and where do I get it?
Dear Dr Wilson,
I am a 29 year old woman with diagnosed hypothyroidism back in 2005. I have been taking Euthyrox (Levotyroxine) ever since and in the past 6-7 years found it unhelpful. I have researched a lot and am very interested to try the desiccated thyroid hormone, however, living in Cork and as I have no endocrinologist, I found it hard to find a doctor who would even listen to my story let alone send me to do a proper blood tests and analyse them as well as my symptoms and this makes me feel so powerless and desperate. I was wondering if you have any colleague here in Cork to recommend?
Thanks in advance,
Dear Sanja, I am afraid I don’t know of a Doctor in Cork who will supply NDT hormone for your thyroid support.
For many people Levothyroxine (Eltroxin, Euthyrox) is unhelpful in hypothyroidism, as it only provides T4, an inactive prohormone, which requires conversion to T3 to be effective at a cellular level. A significant percentage of persons have been shown not to have the genetic capability to produce the iodothyronine deiodinase enzymes required for conversion of T4 to T3, and in these cases a combination T4/T3 hormone or T3 alone, may provide the benefit they require.
You should discuss this fact with your doctor, and together consider the use of combination T4/T3 hormone supplementation.
Dear Dr Wilson , I was diagnosed at 12 with an over active thyroid an had it removed at 18 … I’m now heading for 40 … I’m on 300mg per day for the past 8 yrs and now trying to reduce it to 200 as I changed doctor… Question – this dosage is very high , I have a lot of worries at the minute of memory loss etc…is this linked ?
Dear Sharon.
I am sorry to hear of your predicament. Unfortunately I do not engage in online consultations, and you are welcome to contact my clinic to make an appointment for a discussion regarding your health concerns.
I am not sure what medication you are on, but it is probably Eltroxin, since having had your Thyroid gland removed, you are in need of thyroid hormone replacement.
I do recommend that you have your doctor review your blood results, and then guide you into the appropriate use of thyroid supporting medication.
You should request the following : Free T3, Free T4, TPO ANTIBODIES, TG ANTIBODIES, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Serum Iron and Ferritin to start with. Best wishes.
Dear Dr Wilson,
I am taking 50mg of Eltroxin daily but am struggling with fatigue and brain fog. I find this very debilitating. The thoughts of any social events makes me anxious and get really upset at struggling with tiredness all the time. My levels come back as normal which is frustrating. I am also on meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol .My question is if you were to prescribe different meds for this, who prescribes my full prescriptions
Hi Dr Wilson,
Before I set up an appointment with you at your clinic I just want to know if you would be able to help someone like me.
I got Thyrotoxicosis in November/December 2018 and then got diagnosed with Graves Disease in January 2019. Since then I have being doing my own research after the public endocrine system has failed me. I have changed my diet to vegan and have cut out gluten. I also cook everything fresh from scratch and include healing herbs and spices.. I also meditate and try and get walking in every day. I do feel a lot better than I did and my energy is returning but my bloods show I’m fluctuating between hypo and hyper now. I’m getting my bloods done every two weeks to keep a close eye on it. And I’m altering my dosage of carbimazole accordingly. Doctors have been telling me I should consider surgery or radioactive iodine but I don’t want to go that route and I feel there must be another way. I don’t think my case has been looked at in a holistic way. I have a feeling there is a connection with my gut and digestion. I would love to explore this further. Also maybe there’s a connection with my mercury fillings. I was also extremely stressed with this kicked off in the first place.
I would very much appreciate any thoughts you may have about my case and if you think you could help me?
Many thanks,
Hi Dr Wilson,
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 19. I am now 27 and would still be slightly symptomatic. It took many years for my thyroid levels to stabilise and I would still get extremely tired and lethargic and struggle with weight despite eating healthy and exercising regularly. I am currently on 100mgs of eltoroxin. I have an elder sister who also has an under active thyroid but is on 150mgs eltoroxin. We would both really appreciate to get an appointment with you to see if our medication is correct and if there are other things that we can be doing.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards,
Dear Dr Wilson, I have been a patient of yours since August 2018 and have been given a new lease of life since commencing your thyroid treatment. In recent times I have tried to make an appointment only to discover that you are no longer practising at the Leinster clinic and that the telephone number is no longer active. I would be most grateful if you could let me know if you have changed address and also if you could send me your new contact details.
Kind regards, Emer Maloney.
Hi Dr Wilson I’m currently in hospital with palpitations and long Qts I was diagnosed with under active thyroid over a year go since they put me on this eltroxin 75mcg I’ve never felt right my symptoms starts with bruising under my skin anywhere on my body , my toes my legs my fingernails etc I also have sweats , and trembling. i didn’t have huge numbers underactive it was borderline. could I please make and appointment to see you. I’m 45 yr old female non smoker or drinker.
regards Yvonne Brennan
Have low thyroid. Synthyroid does not work for me. Would like to try generic cytomel in low dose. Dr. will not prescribe
Would like advice. Mary