STANDARD THERAPY VS FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE THERAPY A 2008 online survey of hypothyroid patients revealed significant dissatisfaction with standard L-T4 (Levothyroxine), (Eltroxin) therapy, with more patients having greater satisfaction with dessicated thyroid extract (DTE) L-T4/ L-T3 (Levothyroxine / Liothyronine) in combination, (NPThroid , Armour Thyroid)with respect…
Tag: thyroid
Dr. Neville Wilson BA (Rhodes), MB.ChB, DIP.MID COG (SA), D.Obs, D Fam Med, MSc, DNH. The current standard practice of treating patients with hypothyroidism is prescription use of levothyroxine (Eltroxin). This practice has been adopted by many endocrinologists and family physicians ever since Eltroxin was…
by Dr. Neville Wilson IODINE is an essential micronutrient. It is required by every cell in the human body, and although only small amounts are needed, by the cells of the various tissues, a deficiency in those cells will fail to protect them…
Dr. Neville Wilson January 2018 YOUR THYROID GLAND: A healthy thyroid gland is essential for overall wellbeing since it provides the necessary hormones for energy production in all living cells and tissues, including the brain. The health and normal function of the thyroid…
Dr. Neville Wilson 15 January 2015 Multitudes of people wake up every day experiencing a wide range of chronic and debilitating systems without the realization that their unrelenting complaints may be the direct cause of an undetected and untreated underactive thyroid gland. The thyroid…